Tuesday, November 12, 2013

ol Coach's Keys
Real "WINNING" is on the scoreboard in your heart, not the one counting points.
Did you play your best? Did you give it everything you had? Only you know the real score....winning is the effort you put into everything you do.
Having fun is the key to giving your best effort.
You have the most fun at anything when you play your best - and you play your best when you are having the most fun.  Playing is the most natural thing we do.   
Doing your best requires practice.
Riding a bike didn't happen by itself. You practiced. You fell. You got back up again and practiced some more. You fell again.  You got back up and soon you were riding and having fun. You cannot teach anyone to get back up and try again.  The will to keep practicing comes from within.
Practice teaches skills and patience.
Every time you practice you get a little better. Some days a little more better than before, but never too much at any one time.  The more you practice, the more your little bits add up. So, that before you know it, your little bits have grown into a huge amount of better.
The hardest opponent is always yourself.
Who doesn't want to get up in the morning, do their homework, wash the dishes, go to soccer practice? Who is the one who blames others and everything else for our not having fun? Who is always around when things are not going right? Hint: look in the mirror.
All the challenges we face, teach us who we are and what we are made of....
Every game, every day is a new challenge. And how we respond to new challenges is a direct result of how well we prepare. Hard, practices
forge strong wills and confidence. When facing equally prepared opponents, it comes down to who is only focused on giving more effort.  
A team will make you better by pushing when needed, and catching when falling.
Your teammates know you as well as your family. They bring out the best and the worst. It is a special moment when all of you are struggling together  to achieve the same goal that you can look at each other in the eye and with respect, say well done - we couldn't have done it without you.
Honor the Game, play hard, play fair, play your best. The game does not give its rewards and secrets easily. It demands you dig deep and play with your highest effort. Leave the weather, the field, the opponent, the crowd, the pain and all distractions and excuses behind. Only then will the game honor you.
Sportsmanship on the field - is showing that being a good person is as important as playing your best.
The good sport understands that without an opponent to push you and make you give your best effort, you would never know what you have learned, or what you need to learn get better at - even worse - there would be no game without opponents. Therefore, the good sport always honors every game, challenge, opponent, team and especially your family with every show of respect.
All your Coach's have something to teach, but the best Coach is always your own inner voice.
Just listen.


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